Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Darklings 091108 Pegan
We mean no harm, said Ebonee. We are Shadow and Darkling. What is the beast? Asked the loud echoing voice. He is a laughing Jac. said Ebonee. He steals the leavings of the beast who kill. He means no harm.
Who are you? Dusk asked in a loud voice. Where are you? Why can't we see you?
I am Oldun. I sit on a ledge above you. Look up where the light-wings cluster. Dusk and Ebonee looked up. Ebonee made a gasping sound. Are you a God?
His laughter seemed to bounce around them. I am a firehead. Lowered from the nests at my birth to die. Saved by the Shadows and cared for in secret. No, not a God. And you, Darkling. Do I see fire strands in your black hair? Are you not a Firehead too?
Ebonee sighed. Dusk with her weak sight had never noticed. Ebonee then explained how Mother of two had pulled out the firestrands from her and Obsidias hair at birth and kept them out with continual grooming. After the death of Obsidia and Mother of two; the firestrands returned. The Darklings saw and cast her from the nest in the canopy. I am the Jag-cats sacrifice, she said.
Only if you choose to be. Came Olduns answer.
How do we leave this place, Asked Dusk.
Go down those stones to the pool of Sea water and swim out. He answered.
Swim out! Ebonee cried. I can't go near the Sea. Never go near the sea. Mother of two had always warned. It will pull you under and steal your breath. Then throw your body back on the sands.
Dusk put her arms around Ebonee. In a soothing voice she whispered. You told me once that fear is sharper than a Jag-cats claw. Fear is worse than death. I will teach you to stay on top of the water like flotsam. To hold your breath and swim like the fin-fish.
Can a darkling swim? Ebonee called to Oldun. Of course, he replied. a Firehead can swim also.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Darklings 091106 Vidia
that night Ebonee told Dusk a true story. Ebonee's story was that long ago, when people first made these shelters they hid things in them, mostly rocks. these things were supposed to help you when you were in danger. '' Maybe we will find something down here''. said Dusk. then they went to bed. But dusk couldn't sleep. she kept thinking about the story Ebonee told her. Maybe there was something down here that could kill the jag-cat.
The next morning dusk and Ebonee woke with a howl, it was woo0f. He was somewhere deep in the cave. They kept walking to the noise till they thought it was the end of the cave. But as soon as Ebonee pushed on the wall it opened and there was woof. As they rushed to his side he became silent. Woof nudged a gem into each of their hands. At first the gems looked like normal gems. But when they turned them oversaw creatures on them. one had a mermaid/ fish on it and it was labeled a vaporeon. The other had a ghost/rag on it and it was labeled a raremon. they turned to take the stones back, but the door had shut and they did not know how to open it and they only had a piece of chicken to eat.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Darklings 091103 - Pegan
I must sleep now, Ebonee sighed. dragging her woven mat against the barrier that Dusk had called Door. Didn't Dusk know that it was a tree-split that balanced on a pointed stone, opening inward only and closed from the outer cave with a slender stone wedge. Flotsam. Ebonee whispered to Dusk. The door is flotsam. The sea cannot drown it although it can pull it under as it pulls down the Sun.
Yes, said Dusk. I too have seen flotsam. But how did it come to this high place? Is this not the highest place on Earth?
If you could only climb to the canopy, Dusk. If you could see that Earth is Sea-Land and the highest place is at the top of the Bloodtree. If you could only climb, but then , added Ebonee sadly, you still could not see with your weak sky eyes.
Woof gave a small whimper and settled down on the mat between them. He hungers. Dusk said. The tiny long- tailed squeakers that he catches in the cave are not enough for a young, growing creature.
Ebonee sat up. I will go out and find a fresh kill for him.
No! Dusk cried. Not in the dark hours of the Jag-cat! Go when your Sun comes up from the Sea.
Ebonee lay back yawning. Yes..First light then.
Ebonee, Dusk whispered. I also hunger.
For flesh? Asked Ebonee. For blood and bone? Like Woof?
I hunger for knowing. Dusk said. I hunger for knowing.
I will help your hunger, Dusk. Remember the Bloodtree? It is a sacred tree blessed by the Sun.
Its long twisted roots are like pale entrails. Those roots are hanging in a small cave above us. The father of Darklings lives in its highest branch at the top of the Earth. There can be danger in knowing. There can be more danger in a knowing that is secret and guarded.
While Ebonee slept, Dusk wandered through the small cave. She crawled through a dark opening into an adjoining cave that was filled with a golden half light . Lightwings, she said aloud. She had encountered them before in the tunnels. Creatures the size of her palm clung to the cave ceiling, twinkling like stars...
We call them fires-that-fly. Ebonee said as she crawled through the opening behind Dusk.
Dusk, startled, tripped and fell against a stone barrier. It was a circular wall of stones that had been erected in the center of the cave. In its blackened middle lay piles of large broken bones. Beastie bones. said Ebonee. And these are the tools of the first ones.
These are our tools! Dusk cried with joy. These are our cutting shells! Our slicing sea glass! and this, she said, snatching up a large white shell that lay on the wall-of-stones ledge. This is our calling conch! Dusk pressed the stone to her ear. Then offered it to Ebonee. It is Mother's voice... It is Mother's singing.
Ebonee shook her head, backing away from the shell. I don't want to listen. We hear the voice in the canopy. It is never still. Never stops. The sea sings only of death and drowning...
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Darklings 091026 Vidia
Dusk had gotten to know the dark cave and she be came good friends with Woof. Dusk found writings on the walls of the cave. Dusk asked Ebonee what they all meant and she said "They are said to be able to tell you what your dreams mean''. Dusk also started to read the writing on the walls and one said ''if you see bats flying around in daylight are a symbol of reassurance and calm, but if you see one at night a problem is right around the corner. If a bat brushes against you or flies past , it's to remind you that bad luck will soon pass''.
After Dusk read some of the writings on the walls she began to pay close attention to her dreams. On summer day when Dusk woke up she heard a screeching sound, then Ebonee rushed into the cave and ushered Dusk and Wolf off to the side and said ''we need to get to somewhere safer, the Jag-cat is close''. Ebonee showed them a secret door in he cave and shoved them in it then she went in after and slammed the door tight. The place they were in had a lot of godies. Dusk could not wait to explore it.